Former Labyrus Bar

This file appears in: Gregs: A Bar and Community Hub
Former Labyrus Bar

While Gregs served mostly a male clientele, other spaces in Indianapolis catered to women. What is now The Lockerbie Pub, was previously Labyrus, a lesbian bar. Founded in 1978, Labyrus was known for booking numerous female musicians, with fifty concerts a year. The bar’s founder, Mary Byrne, is currently the Executive Director of the Indiana Youth Group, which provides “safe places and confidential environments” for LGBT+ youth to become empowered through “programs, support services, social and leadership opportunities, and community service.” The Tudor Revival commercial building, built ca. 1925, boasts basket weave brick patterns in the gables and stained glass in the windows. The pub is situated in the Historic Lockerbie Square District, the oldest historic neighborhood in the city, listed in the National Register of Historic Places in 1973.

Image courtesy Kurt Lee Nettleton © 2015.

This file appears in: Gregs: A Bar and Community Hub